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Solutions of Video SFP

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1. Preface
In digital videoin order to facilitate the digital signal transmitted over a long distancewill parallel data into serial data. After Video pluggable SFP through the optical fiber transmission to the receiver. The Video pluggable SFP Gigalight provide can meet high quality Video signal transmission requirements over long distances, meet the transmission SD-SDI(270Mbps)HD-SDI(1.485G)3G-SDI(2.97G) three rate optical signals.


2. Video SFP Application
SMPTE puts forward SDI serial links standards, in studio environment through the 75 ohms coaxial cable to transmit uncompressed digital video, defines through the serial interface to transmit digital NTSC and PAL video simulation, it is the name of the more popular standard definition (SD) SDI. Transmission of the data rate of SDI SD required is 270 Mbps. With 1080i and 720p HD video standards emerge, SMPTE 292 M definition HD interface to deal with higher SDI 1.485 Gbps data rateit uses the same 75 ohms coaxial cable.
Later, SMPTE puts forward SMPTE 424 M standard, in the same 75 ohms coaxial cables SDI, data rate is double, up to 2.97 Gbps, this standard also called 3-Gbps (3 G) SDI. Support 1080 p and digital cinema and resolution of the higher image quality.

1As shown in figure 12. Application of video SFP.


                                                                  Figure 1


                                                        Figure 2

2As shown in figure 3. Practical application of Video SFP.

                                                                             Figure 3

3. Test diagram of Video SFP
As shown in figure 4. 

                                                                                          Figure 4

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